Blog Archive – 2016

What Can I Expect During Tummy Tuck Recovery?

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Tummy tuck surgery is typically an extensive procedure that not only eliminates excess skin for a flatter, firmer stomach, but also tightens the underlying musculature. Since the procedure involves major surgery, Dr. David L. Durst recommends his patients plan to take some time off for themselves during the recovery process.

Patients usually take about three weeks off from work following their tummy tuck surgery, and most normal daily activities can be resumed after that time. During the first few weeks after your surgery, Dr. Durst will schedule several appointments to monitor your progress and your body’s recovery. Strenuous exercise and rigorous physical activity should also be suspended during this time. After two weeks, you should begin to see the results of your procedure, with the full outcome visible around six weeks after surgery.

Patients who require more minor contouring and toning of the abdomen may benefit from a mini tummy tuck, which typically yields a shorter recovery time. Dr. Durst can help you decide which body contouring procedure is best for your individual needs during the consultation process. Please contact our office today for more information, or to schedule an appointment.

What is the Difference Between a Tummy Tuck and a Mini Tummy Tuck?

woman in bikini

One of the most common concerns among our patients is excess fat and skin around the midsection. Even if you are at or near your target weight, you may struggle with stubborn, isolated pockets of excess fat or an abundance of skin laxity along the abdomen. Fortunately, Dr. David L. Durst offers a number of body contouring procedures that can help you achieve your goal of a smoother, firmer stomach.

A traditional tummy tuck is designed to eliminate loose skin while tightening the underlying muscles and the remaining skin for a flatter appearance. To optimize the results of a tummy tuck, Dr. Durst may recommend combining the procedure with liposuction (if necessary) to reduce excess fat that may be contributing to an individual’s aesthetic concerns.

A mini tummy tuck offers many of the same benefits as a tummy tuck; however, this procedure is typically more beneficial for those who have a less severe amount of loose skin or lax muscles in the abdomen. Mini tummy tuck surgery primarily focuses on the area below the navel. Since a mini tummy tuck is a shorter, less invasive surgery, the recovery time is also generally abbreviated. A full tummy tuck usually requires at least three weeks before resuming most normal daily activities; a mini tummy tuck typically requires about two weeks of recovery.

During the consultation process, Dr. Durst will help you decide which procedure can best meet your individual needs. If you would like more information about our body contouring procedures, please contact our office today.

What Will My Scars Look like After Breast Reduction?

resize-shutterstock_245773819As with any major surgery, some scarring is inevitable with breast reduction surgery. However, at the Cosmetic Surgery Center of Huntsville, the combination of advanced surgical techniques and the skills of our experienced plastic surgeon can help minimize the appearance of scarring and allow patients to more easily conceal the scars after they heal. For example, techniques that involve incisions made around the areola and on the underside of the breast are often less noticeable when compared to other breast reduction modalities.

While incisions that run from the areola to the underside of the breast are more difficult to conceal, there are scar revision and scar reduction treatments that can be used after your procedure to further improve the appearance. Topical creams or gels, scar massage methods, or fractional laser treatments can all effectively reduce a scar’s prominence for many patients.

While scarring is definitely something to consider while deciding upon treatment options, Dr. David L. Durst has found that his patients are rarely overly concerned with scarring after breast reduction surgery. For most individuals, the benefits of breast reduction surgery far outweigh any visible scarring that may remain – and their only regret is that they did not have the procedure performed years earlier.

For more information about breast reduction surgery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Durst, please contact our office today.

Questions to Ask Your Breast Reduction Surgeon

resize-shutterstock_290114999Choosing the best breast reduction surgeon for your needs can be essential for achieving beautiful, natural-looking results. Before you select your plastic surgeon, Dr. David L. Durst recommends you research the surgeon’s credentials as well as ask specific questions about the surgeon’s technique and approach.

When it comes to a plastic surgeon’s credentials, Dr. Durst recommends that you seek out a plastic surgeon who is both certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. These qualifications should give you a good indication that your surgeon has undergone additional training in aesthetic surgery procedures and is committed to mastering the latest surgical techniques.

If you feel that your breasts are sagging or drooping in addition to concerns about volume, be sure to ask your prospective doctor how the surgical approach will be custom-tailored to meet your unique needs. Since each woman’s body is different, you want to find a plastic surgeon that will work with you and carefully listen to your individual expectations. Reviewing the surgeon’s before-and-after breast reduction photos can also give you an idea of potential results.

Above all, never be hesitant to ask questions. The surgeon you are considering should be forthright and attentive, and you should feel confident that he or she is truly listening to your concerns.

If you would like to learn more about breast reduction or Dr. Durst’s background and experience, we invite you to contact our office today. A member of our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have, or assist you with scheduling a consultation.

When to Consider Breast Reduction

Breast ReductionOverly large breasts can present a number of significant challenges and frustrations for women. Fortunately, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David L. Durst, offers advanced breast reduction surgery that can help women improve their quality of life and reduce the physical and aesthetic concerns associated with excessively large breasts.

Breasts that are simply too big for one’s body frame can ultimately result in neck and back pain, sagging or “drooping” breasts, rashes and irritation underneath the breasts, bra-strap indentations, and other physical issues. Women with overly large breasts may also find it difficult to find clothing that fits properly, making them feel limited in their choices. Difficulties engaging in certain physical activities or exercise methods such as pilates or yoga are also common. Plus, women who suffer from excessively large breasts may experience feelings of self-consciousness at work, home, or during social activities.

Breast reduction surgery has helped many individuals successfully address their concerns and attain breasts that are more proportionate to their bodies. If you think your life may be negatively impacted by overly large breasts, please contact us today with any questions you may have, or to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeon to discuss treatment options.

Tummy Tuck and Pregnancy: What are the Risks?

Tummy Tuck and PregnancyIt is generally recommended that women should complete their families before having a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure. The reason for this is simply that the abdominal muscles and skin will be significantly stretched during pregnancy, which can have a major effect on the results of a tummy tuck. When this happens, a secondary tummy tuck can often restore those results.

That is, of course, an aesthetic risk of pregnancy following a tummy tuck. As far as health risks, most women will likely not face any significant concerns, and a tummy tuck should not affect one’s fertility or ability to give birth. One thing to note: tummy tuck surgery is often performed after an individual has been pregnant, specifically to address the physiological changes in the abdomen that have resulted from pregnancy. With that in mind, the notion of whether you are planning to have further children should be a consideration while weighing your decision to have tummy tuck surgery. Sometimes, it’s best to wait until your family is complete in order to avoid the possible necessity of a secondary procedure to restore the original results.

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David L. Durst, will answer all of your questions during the initial consultation and talk with you about the best options for your needs

What Effects Can Pregnancy Have on My Breast Implants?

Breast Implants and PregnancyMany women wonder about the effects pregnancy may have on their breast implants. One thing to remember is that each woman’s body is unique; therefore, the effects of pregnancy on one person can be very different from what others experience. With that in mind, there are some general issues that patients who have had breast augmentation can expect to result from pregnancy and/or breastfeeding.

Some further enlargement of the breasts is common during pregnancy, while certain levels of volume loss can also occur once breastfeeding has been ceased. Depending on the extent of these changes, there may be some significant skin laxity and “sagginess” that appear among the breasts after pregnancy. For those who wish to address issues of volume loss and breast ptosis (drooping), a breast lift and/or an additional breast augmentation procedure can be effective solutions, depending on your needs and goals. By contrast, some women who have had breast augmentation before a pregnancy actually find that the stretching of breast skin while pregnant helped their breasts look more natural, providing them with even more satisfying results. This is an example of how different the experience can be among patients, considering their unique physiological reactions.

Overall, the general stability and integrity of breast implants are typically unaffected by pregnancy. Dr. David L. Durst can talk more with you about what to expect and answer any questions you may have regarding breast augmentation and pregnancy, breastfeeding, or other concerns.

Can I Still Breastfeed After Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation and BreastfeedingOne of the more common questions we receive here at the practice of Dr. David L. Durst among women considering breast augmentation is whether they will retain the ability to breastfeed after the procedure. While the answer to that question depends on a variety of factors for each patient, generally speaking – breast augmentation does not necessarily preclude one’s ability to nurse.

There are a number of breast augmentation incision techniques that can be utilized, and some, such as a periareolar incision, may potentially have an impact on the ducts involved in the successful production of breast milk. With that in mind, patients who are concerned about breastfeeding after breast augmentation can typically have the surgery performed with incisions placed in a different area.

It is important to note that some women (estimated at about 25 percent) are simply not as capable of breastfeeding than others due to certain pre-existing physiological issues, regardless of whether they have had breast augmentation; however, for most women, breast implant surgery should not pose a threat to the ability to breastfeed. Once you meet with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, be sure to discuss all of your concerns and have them thoroughly addressed before deciding on having the procedure.

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Can Exercises Help Me to Avoid Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast Lift in HuntsvilleA quick look across the Internet will show you a number of sites with articles claiming to know how women can enhance the appearance of their breasts without surgery. While it is understandably tempting to try to find ways of eliminating signs of breast sagginess and excess skin with exercises that can be done at the gym or at home, in most cases they are simply no substitute for the effects that can be achieved with breast lift surgery. Chest exercises, topical ointments, good posture, and other options may help to maintain some mild degree of “perkiness,” but they cannot address loose, inelastic skin or improve the shape and position of the breasts the way a breast lift can.

Due to the natural aging process, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, simple gravity, and other factors, ligaments in the breasts become stretched and the skin loses its elasticity. It is this inelasticity that can give the breasts a drooping appearance, and exercises will typically not be very beneficial to improve the condition. This isn’t to say that exercise isn’t important; on the contrary, it provides a full range of benefits that can enhance your overall appearance and help you maintain good overall health. But it typically will not have much of an effect on breast ptosis (sagginess), particularly in severe cases. Plus, it cannot address the size and location of the nipples and many other common concerns that affect the breasts.
View breast lift before-and-after photos here.

Here at the practice of Dr. David L. Durst, our board-certified plastic surgeon offers advanced breast lift techniques that can eliminate excess skin and tighten the remainder for firmer breasts and a more youthful, vibrant appearance. Our procedures are customized for your unique needs in order to meet your specific goals and create the most natural-looking results possible.

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