
What are the Benefits of Combining Implants with a Breast Lift?

Sagging or “deflated” breasts can be a source of frustration and insecurity for many women who feel the cosmetic effects of pregnancy, weight gain, or simply the natural aging process. These factors can cause the breast contours to change, often resulting in a loss of firmness, volume, and general youthfulness in the bust. While these aesthetic concerns usually cannot be ... Learn More

Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures in the country and employs a variety of techniques to enhance facial harmony. If you’re considering rhinoplasty to help balance your facial features and increase symmetry, you may be wondering about the difference between open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty — the two main approaches to cosmetic nose surgery. While the ... Learn More

Can You Reduce Your Breast Size With Dieting and Exercise?

Despite claims made by exercise trends and product marketers, there is currently no “natural breast reduction” technique that can rival the results achieved by a surgical procedure. Some workout regimens purport to reduce the breasts by decreasing fat in the chest, but these exercises often only work to strengthen the pectoral muscles while doing nothing to minimize the symptoms of ... Learn More

How Soon After a C-Section Can I Get a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is one of the most highly sought after cosmetic surgeries among patients who have previously had children. This procedure can be a very effective technique to correct a protruding abdomen, which commonly develops as the abdominal muscles become stretched and separated by pregnancy. In resolving the hanging appearance caused by loose abdominal muscles, tummy tuck surgery can ... Learn More

Can I Breastfeed After Breast Reduction Surgery?

The ways in which breast reduction surgery can affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed are unique to each patient. During breast reduction, the recontouring of the breast tissue, repositioning of the nipples, and placement of incisions are generally more likely to affect the milk ducts when compared to breast augmentation surgery. However, many individuals who were able to breastfeed before ... Learn More

How Much Does a Breast Reduction Cost?

Breast reduction surgery can be an excellent option for women seeking to reduce and reshape their breasts for a more proportionate aesthetic outcome. The cost of non insurance breast reduction surgery by Dr. Durst usually costs between $7000 – $8000, and is done at the The Cosmetic Surgery Center of Huntsville on an outpatient basis. The exact figure depends on ... Learn More

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?

While the decision to undergo a breast reduction is personal for every patient, a large number of individuals considering the procedure seek to alleviate the physical burdens caused by large, heavy breasts. Women with overly large breasts are often forced to contend with debilitating back and neck pain, trouble breathing, posture issues, and skin irritation, among other difficult symptoms. As ... Learn More

What To Expect After Facelift Surgery

A surgical facelift is designed to improve deep wrinkles and excess, drooping skin on the face and neck. Typically, after this procedure, patients will experience some swelling or bruising, which should diminish throughout the recovery period. Some discomfort is also common the first few days following the treatment. Usually, Dr. David Durst will prescribe  an oral medication to help alleviate ... Learn More

What Age is Best for a Facelift?

Unfortunately, there is no straight answer to this commonly asked question. Everyone experiences the natural aging process, but factors such as lifestyle, heredity and environment can also play a large role in the appearance and health of the skin. Facelift procedures tend to be one of our most popular treatments for patients seeking significant facial rejuvenation results for moderate to ... Learn More

Surgical vs Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

Beginning to notice the signs of aging? Thankfully, there are options to help remedy indications of wrinkles, excess skin, and loss of youthfulness. Both surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures can enhance features around the face and neck, and each offers unique advantages. Depending on the aesthetic goals you and our plastic surgeon discuss during the consultation, an appropriate procedure ... Learn More