Liposuction for Men

Sexy man showing his six-packs

At the Cosmetic Surgery Center of Huntsville, liposuction remains one of our most frequently performed surgeries for both men and women. With the ability to slim and contour nearly any area of the body, liposuction can be ideal for patients who struggle with isolated pockets of fat. Most men choose to target the love handles, abdomen, or chest, which can result in the elimination of excess fat deposits that have been resistant to traditional diet and exercise routines. Liposuction is also often used to treat gynecomastia for male patients with enlarged breasts, creating a flatter appearance to the chest and reducing self-consciousness about one’s appearance. The procedure can also benefit men who are looking to reduce the appearance of a “double-chin.”

The recovery for liposuction is largely the same for both men and women. With proper diet and exercise, the results can last for many years to come. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David L. Durst, customizes all liposuction procedures to meet the individual patient’s unique needs and goals. For more information about liposuction surgery for men, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.

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