Mini Abdominoplasty (Mini Tummy Tuck)

shutterstock_197728715A traditional abdominoplasty is designed to eliminate excess skin around the lower abdomen and tighten the underlying musculature for a firmer, flatter abdominal appearance. The mini abdominoplasty (or mini tummy tuck) is a less extensive surgery intended for patients who are mostly concerned with skin laxity below the navel. This procedure can be beneficial for both men and women, particularly for women who have had one or more pregnancies and choose a mini tummy tuck to help regain their pre-pregnancy figure. With that in mind, it is not uncommon for women to incorporate the procedure into a mommy makeover.

If you struggle with excess skin or loose muscles around the lower abdomen despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, a mini tummy tuck may be right for you. This procedure can offer the patients of our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David L. Durst, an effective way to achieve a flatter, more toned appearance with an abbreviated surgery and recovery time.

Mini Abdominoplasty Procedure

During your initial consultation with Dr. Durst, he will perform a physical exam, carefully review your medical history, and discuss your unique expectations to determine your candidacy for mini tummy tuck surgery. He will also discuss whether a traditional tummy tuck may better suit your individual needs. Dr. Durst takes time to thoroughly educate his patients about each procedure so you can make a well-informed decision about your body and your health.

A mini tummy tuck is typically performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient. After the excess skin is removed from the lower abdomen, Dr. Durst can tighten the underlying muscles and smooth the remaining skin. Unlike a traditional abdominoplasty, a mini-tummy tuck does not require repositioning of the navel. Mini tummy tuck surgery typically takes about two hours to complete.

Mini Abdominoplasty Recovery

The recovery from a mini tummy tuck can be significantly shorter compared to a traditional abdominoplasty. Patients typically experience some degree of swelling and soreness in the days immediately following the procedure. Most patients can return to their normal daily activities after about two weeks following surgery, though Dr. Durst often recommends avoiding strenuous physical activity for about three weeks to allow for proper healing.

Dr. Durst reminds his patients that a mini tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure. The main goal of this body contouring option is to eliminate excess skin around the lower abdomen and tighten any underlying muscles that may have become stretched or torn. Patients who may have a more pronounced level of excess skin in the abdominal area may be better suited to a traditional abdominoplasty.

For more information about the mini tummy tuck procedure, please contact our office with any questions you may have, or to schedule a consultation.