Blog Archive – 2014

Am I a Good Candidate for Abdominoplasty?

tummy-tuck-alabamaOne of the most popular procedures for individuals who have experienced dramatic weight loss, abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck, is designed to remove excess skin and tighten underlying muscles of the abdomen. Once skin inelasticity occurs in this region, traditional methods of tightening and toning, such as diet and exercise, can often be ineffective. If you’re experiencing dissatisfaction with your appearance due to loose, inelastic skin on the abdomen, Dr. David L. Durst, our highly skilled plastic surgeon, can help you determine if tummy tuck surgery is right for you.

The reasons patients undergo tummy tuck surgery are varied. Many mothers come to us after having children to help restore a firmer, more youthful appearance. Other patients, both men and women, are seeking abdominoplasty to remove the excess skin associated with dramatic weight loss either from diet and exercise or bariatric surgery. Regardless of your reasons for considering this procedure, Dr. Durst will discuss your aesthetic aspirations and explain the treatment options available based on your qualifications. Typical candidacy requirements for tummy tuck may include:

  •     Having a body mass index (BMI) below 30
  •     Being in good health and not smoking
  •     Being in good physical condition
  •     Experiencing dissatisfaction with appearance due to inelastic skin on the abdomen

Individuals with a BMI above 30 may be qualified for a different type of procedure, called panniculectomy. Additionally, there are several abdominoplasty approaches – including mini, medium, full, and reverse tummy tuck – all of which can provide excellent results for the proper candidates. Dr. Durst will help you decide the most appropriate method based upon your unique anatomic needs and expressed goals.

It is important to note that abdominoplasty is not intended to remove excess fat; however, Dr. Durst routinely combines tummy tuck surgery with liposuction to optimize patient results. He will recommend this option if abdominoplasty alone cannot achieve your goals.

For more information about abdominoplasty, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Durst, please contact us today.

How Combining Abdominoplasty With Liposuction Can Improve Results

abdominoplasty-tummy-tuck-alabamaPregnancy and dramatic weight loss can often leave behind loose, inelastic skin along the abdomen, even after diligently following a diet and exercise regimen. Many men and women choose abdominoplasty, commonly called tummy tuck surgery, to eliminate this excess skin and help restore a firmer, more youthful appearance to the body. While it is designed to tighten the muscles and skin in the midsection, a tummy tuck is not intended to remove excess fat. For this reason, many of our patients combine abdominoplasty with liposuction to enhance the contour of the abdomen and improve definition of the abdomen.

At our practice, the majority of tummy tuck procedures include liposuction, and our skilled cosmetic surgeon, Dr. David L. Durst, utilizes a tried and tested method that nearly eliminates the potential for small contour deficits requiring touch-up treatment. Using the VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) technique, he can typically perform precision contouring for dramatic results while also achieving significant definition. Combined with Dr. Durst’s incision-concealing abdominoplasty technique, patients may be able to achieve a flatter, more toned and sleeker shape, even along the lateral waistline where many patients retain excess fat after weight loss.

A full abdominoplasty typically includes shaping, muscle and skin tightening, and a small to moderate amount of liposuction. Large volumes of fat reduction are not recommended for this procedure, nor is liposuction generally appropriate for patients with a body mass index (BMI) above 30. Dr. Durst will thoroughly explain all treatment options, risks, and benefits during the consultation process.

 For more information about abdominoplasty combined with liposuction, or if you wish to schedule a consultation with Dr. Durst, please contact us today.

Breast Lift After Baby: Will I Need Implants?

postbabyMany of my patients begin considering a breast lift (mastopexy) after having a baby due to an accumulation of loose, excess skin and the loss of firmness in the breasts that can occur. Usually, these patients wait a few years after having their baby before they decide to have the procedure, because their priority after childbirth is caring for their baby, of course. Some women choose to wait until their children are a bit older, and look at the surgery as a way to do something nice for themselves after several years of motherhood. Most of the time, however, patients come in 1-3 years after having their last child (I typically advise against mastopexy if the patient plans to have more children). A concern that I often hear from these patients is regarding breast implants. Some women ask if it is possible to have their breasts lifted without the use of an implant. The answer to this question depends on each individual patient. If the volume of breast tissue is satisfactory, I might be able to lift the breast without the use of an implant to create a full appearance. For women who have larger breasts, I can often lift the breasts through a breast reduction. However, in most cases, I will use at least a small implant to give the patient’s breasts a full, natural appearance. In some rare circumstances, if the patient has very mild mammary ptosis (breast sag), I can usually lift the breast simply by adding a textured or shaped gel implant, eliminating the need for a full breast lift procedure.

If you are considering a breast lift or a breast augmentation with mastopexy, please contact my office today to schedule a consultation. In your consultation, we can discuss your options, and find a treatment plan that can best meet your needs.