Mommy Makeover


The Mommy Makeover procedure is actually a combination of several cosmetic surgeries. Our experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. David Durst, is frequently asked what can be done to help a young mother regain a more youthful appearance after having children. One effective solution can be a Mommy Makeover, which refers to an all-encompassing treatment plan personalized to address your unique needs and concerns. A Mommy Makeover is performed with the hope of helping you restore your pre-pregnancy figure, or simply treating the breasts and body at the same time. Dr. Durst tailors a Mommy Makeover to achieve each patient’s individual goals, often combining procedures such as abdominoplasty, liposuction, and breast lift surgery, among other treatments.  

A Mommy Makeover can help transform your breast and body contours to give you a more sculpted and shaped appearance. Please call our Huntsville office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Durst and to learn whether a Mommy Makeover is the right procedure to achieve your goals.

Is a Mommy Makeover Right for Me?

If you’re considering more than one breast and/or body contouring surgery, a Mommy Makeover provides an opportunity to undergo multiple procedures while only contending with one recovery period. While a Mommy Makeover is sometimes performed in more than one operation for certain patients, the combined treatment plan generally allows individuals to achieve their goals faster and more efficiently than pursuing each procedure separately. Depending on the types of treatments chosen, a Mommy Makeover is typically most successful for patients who:

  • Are interested in combining breast and body procedures
  • Want to regain their pre-baby body
  • Healthy and do not have any unmanaged medical conditions that may affect the recovery period
  • Have realistic expectations for the final outcome of surgery

Common Changes After Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Breast Sagging and Lost Volume

When Dr. Durst sees a patient about a Mommy Makeover, their concerns usually have something to do with the breasts and/or the abdomen. You may find that you lose breast volume after having children or breastfeeding. This may culminate in a “deflated,” stretched, or elongated look in the breasts, potentially accompanied by sagging or ptosis. Ptosis, or “drooping,” typically requires a mastopexy procedure (or breast lift surgery) to correct the problem. A breast augmentation and/or mastopexy can often be utilized to reshape the breast contours and restore a more youthful, busty appearance.  In many situations, implant placement and a breast lift can be performed together during a breast lift with implants.

Weakened or Separated Abdominal Muscles

Another primary component of a Mommy Makeover usually involves addressing the abdomen. Despite exercising and weight loss after a pregnancy, sometimes your abdomen will just not shape up to your satisfaction. This may be the case when you have weakened, separated abdominal musculature or loose, droopy skin. Unfortunately, exercising cannot tighten loose skin or repair the underlying muscles, so a tummy tuck may be necessary to remove excess skin and bring together separated musculature. If you have excess skin mostly reserved below the belly button, a mini tummy tuck may be enough to improve your abdominal shape and silhouette. 

Fat Buildup

In some situations, liposuction may be necessary to fine-tune areas that will just not snap back to your original contours. Liposuction can be performed in virtually any region of the body to remove localized fat and smooth bulges, allowing you to enjoy a slimmer and more sculpted silhouette. Common areas treated with liposuction after having children include the hips, abdomen, thighs, neck, back, or upper arms. In many cases, liposuction can be performed with minimal invasiveness and leaves little to no scarring. 

How is a Mommy Makeover Performed?

Since the nature of each person’s Mommy Makeover differs, the exact timeline and surgical process varies from patient to patient. Many times, the breast and abdominal procedures can be coupled together so there’s only one actual surgery and recovery period. In other cases, a Mommy Makeover is completed in stages — particularly when more invasive procedures are performed. After confirming your treatment plan, Dr. Durst will let you know what you can expect throughout the Mommy Makeover process. The procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia in our private QUAD A-accredited surgery center.

When it comes to the recovery period, breast procedures usually take a week or so before patients feel well enough to continue their daily routine. An abdominoplasty may take two to three weeks before you feel “back to normal.” It is important to enlist help with the children and around the house during that timeframe.

What Can I Expect From the Mommy Makeover Recovery Period?

Every Mommy Makeover is different for each patient, and the recovery period will vary based on the type and number of procedures included in your surgical plan. As discussed previously, a tummy tuck generally requires a longer healing period when compared to breast surgery since the internal muscles are tightened during the procedure.

On the other hand, patients usually feel well enough to be on their feet only a few days after liposuction, which utilizes tiny incisions to remove excess fat. Ultimately, a Mommy Makeover can require one to three weeks of downtime depending on the exact details of your treatment plan. Dr. Durst will be able to evaluate your needs and give you more insight into the recovery period in person. He typically advises avoiding exercise and strenuous activity for at least four weeks. Follow-up appointments will also help him assess your healing period and provide more detailed post-operative guidelines based on your progress.

How Long Will My Mommy Makeover Results Last?

Mommy Makeover results are designed to remain stable for a lifetime, allowing patients to enjoy their new contours indefinitely as long as they maintain a consistent weight. While nothing can stop the natural aging process, a Mommy Makeover resolves many of the frustrations patients may have after pregnancy and nursing. That said, the outcome is most successful when coupled with regular exercise and nutritious eating. We encourage women to live an active lifestyle after a Mommy Makeover to help prolong their results. In many cases, a Mommy Makeover actually encourages patients to commit to a healthier lifestyle after surgery in order to maximize the outcome.  

Weight gain after cosmetic surgery, whether due to pregnancy or a patient’s lifestyle, can alter the shape of your contours and potentially affect the outcome of your procedures. Breastfeeding can similarly reduce skin elasticity and stretch the skin and breast tissue, so it’s usually best to postpone Mommy Makeover surgery until after there are no future plans to expand your family. 

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

In Huntsville, the pricing for a Mommy Makeover varies depending on individualized factors. Each patient receives personalized cost estimates, as no two Mommy Makeovers are the same. This range includes the standard fees associated with any procedure, such as the anesthesia fee, lab fees, and other surgical expenses. Once Dr. Durst gains an idea of your needs and overall goals, he will be able to provide you with a cost estimate tailored to your unique Mommy Makeover.

Many patients find that their Mommy Makeover costs are more manageable with plastic surgery financing through CareCredit® or Prosper® Healthcare Lending, two of the leading healthcare financing companies in the country. These options allow qualified patients to pay for their Mommy Makeover over time rather than all at once, giving them the opportunity to undergo the procedure while sticking to their personal budgetary limits.

Can Non-Surgical Treatments Give Me a Mommy Makeover?

Since a Mommy Makeover surgically addresses issues that cannot be corrected with dieting and exercise, such as separated abdominal muscles and loose, excess skin, there are no non-surgical remedies that can match the results achieved from cosmetic procedure(s). While non-invasive treatments are not able to rival the outcome of breast or body contouring surgery, Dr. Durst does offer laser skin resurfacing and injectable dermal fillers to refresh the face and rejuvenate the tone and texture of your skin. The rigors of pregnancy and breastfeeding can often take a toll on patients’ skin, leaving behind a dull or unhealthy complexion. If you’re bothered by a loss of facial volume, wrinkles, age spots, hyperpigmentation, or acne scarring, among other common skin conditions, non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments can be an excellent way to help you feel more like yourself. Don’t hesitate to contact the Cosmetic Surgery Center of Huntsville if you have any other questions about the non-surgical treatments available at our practice. 

Dr. Durst would be happy to talk to you about your needs regarding a Mommy Makeover. Please check our before-and-after photo gallery to see some pictures of these procedures and contact our office any time to schedule an appointment.